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    Best GRE Practice Questions with Answers for 2024

    GRE Practice Questions

    The GRE can pose a significant challenge for aspiring graduate students. However, with dedicated preparation, you can confidently ace it and achieve a strong score. But what is the most effective way to boost your score and tame your test-day anxiety? It’s the practice questions with answers!

    In this blog, we’ll be your guide through the vast possibilities of GRE practice materials. We’ll share some of the most difficult GRE questions across the three sections. Additionally, we’ll provide answers and detailed explanations and propel you towards your target GRE score!

    Why Should You Use the GRE Practice Questions?

    Experience the real GRE

    Practice tests replicate the actual GRE in terms of format, question types, difficulty level, and time constraints. This familiarity helps comfort and reduces test anxiety on the actual test day. You’ll know what to expect and how to pace yourself.

    Identify strengths and weaknesses

    Practice tests act as a diagnostic tool. It reveals areas where you excel and topics that need more work. By analysing your performance, you can pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses across Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. This allows you to tailor your studying to target specific weaknesses and maximise your score potential.

    Develop test-taking strategies

    The GRE also requires strategic approaches to problem-solving and time management. Practice tests provide a platform to experiment with different strategies for solving various question types. You can learn to identify the most efficient way to solve a problem or develop techniques to manage your time effectively across all sections.

    Practice makes perfect

    The more you practice with questions similar to those on the GRE exam, the more comfortable and skilled you’ll become in applying your knowledge and critical thinking abilities. Practice tests provide a safe space to make mistakes, learn from them, and refine your approach before facing the real test.

    GRE Practice Questions for Quantitative Section

    Question 1: A chemist needs to create a 40% alcohol solution by mixing a 90% alcohol solution and a 10% alcohol solution. How many litres of the 90% solution should be mixed with 3 litres of the 10% solution to create the desired mixture?

    1. 3 litres
    2. 2 litres
    3. 4 litres
    4. 2.5 litres

    Answer: (2) 2 litres

    Explanation: Let x represent the number of litres of the 90% solution needed. The total amount of alcohol in the final mixture will come from both solutions. The 90% solution will contribute 0.9x litres of alcohol, and the 10% solution will contribute 0.1(3) = 0.3 litres of alcohol. Since the final solution needs to be 40% alcohol and the total volume will be x + 3 litres, we can set up the equation: 0.9x + 0.3 = 0.4(x + 3). Solving for x, we find that x = 2 litres.

    Question 2: If set B contains only even integers and the range of set B is 10, what is the minimum number of elements in set B?

    Answer: 5

    Explanation: The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a set. Since the set only contains even numbers, the difference between any two consecutive even numbers is 2. Therefore, to get a range of 10, we would need at least 5 even numbers (i.e., a difference of 2 between each number, resulting in a total difference of 10).

    Question 3: If 2a + 5b = 21 and a + 3b = 12, what is the value of a - b?

    Answer: -3

    Explanation: This question requires solving a system of linear equations. We can eliminate a by adding the equations together when the coefficients have opposite signs.

    Adding the equations together gives us 3a + 8b = 33. Dividing both sides by 3 gives a + (8/3)b = 11. We can now subtract the second equation (a + 3b = 12) from this equation to isolate b. Subtracting the equations gives us (8/3)b - 3b = 11 - 12, which simplifies to (-5/3)b = -1. Therefore, b = 3/5. We can now plug this value back into either original equation to solve for a. Using the first equation, 2a + 5(3/5) = 21. Solving for a gives us a = 6. Finally, we can calculate a - b = 6 - (3/5) = 3 - (3/5) = -3/5.

    Question 4: Two trains leave a station at the same time, travelling in opposite directions. Train A travels at a speed of 60 mph, and Train B travels 20 mph slower than Train A. If, after 3 hours, they are 420 miles apart, what was the original speed of Train B?

    1. 60 mph
    2. 40 mph
    3. 80 mph
    4. 120 mph

    Answer: (2) 40 mph

    Explanation: Let x be the speed of Train B. The relative speed between the two trains is the sum of their individual speeds (since they are travelling in opposite directions), which is 60 + x mph. The total distance covered after 3 hours is the product of relative speed and time: (60 + x) * 3 hours. We are given that this distance is 420 miles. Converting this to an equation, we get (60 + x) * 3 = 420. Simplifying the left side gives 180 + 3x = 420. Solving for x (subtracting 180 from both sides and then dividing both sides by 3) gives x = 80 mph. However, the question asks for the original speed of Train B, which is 20 mph slower than Train A (60 mph), so the answer is 60 mph - 20 mph = 40 mph.

    Question 5: Let a, b, and c be integers such that (a + b)(a + c) = 11. What is the value of a2 + b2 + c2 ?

    1. 24
    2. 26
    3. 28
    4. 30

    Answer: (1) 24

    Explanation: We can try to factor 11 to see if it can be expressed as the sum of two integers. Since 11 = 1 + 10 or 11 = -1 - 10, we can see that a + b = 1 and a + c = 10, or a + b = -1 and a + c = -10. Squaring both equations in each scenario and adding them will result in a2 + b2 + c2 = 24.

    GRE Practice Questions for Verbal Section

    Question 1: Passage

    While some argue that a focus on standardised testing stifles creativity in students, others believe it fosters essential critical thinking skills. Proponents of standardised tests highlight their ability to assess a student’s preparedness for college-level work. Opponents counter that these tests are culturally biased and fail to capture a student’s true potential.

    The author’s primary purpose is to

    1. Advocate for standardised testing.
    2. Criticise the use of standardised testing.
    3. Present arguments for and against standardised testing.
    4. Define creativity and critical thinking.
    5. Explain how to prepare for college-level work.

    Answer: (c) Present arguments for and against standardised testing.

    Explanation: The passage doesn’t advocate for either side but objectively presents both arguments for and against standardised testing.

    Question 2: Egregious (adjective) means closest to:

    1. Exhausting
    2. Frivolous
    3. Flagrant
    4. Subtle
    5. Ambiguous

    Answer: (c) Flagrant

    Explanation: Egregious means extremely bad or shocking, similar to flagrant. The other options are not synonyms for egregious.

    Question 3: The discrepancy between her public persona and her private behaviour was a constant source of _______ for those who admired her work.

    1. adulation
    2. dissonance
    3. acumen
    4. Acrimony
    5. audacity

    Answer: (b) dissonance

    Explanation: Dissonance refers to a clash or lack of harmony, which best reflects the incongruity between the public and private personas.

    Question 4: The scientist’s theory, though initially derided, eventually gained _______ amongst her peers.

    1. derision
    2. credence
    3. ambiguity
    4. acrimony
    5. prevarication

    Answer: (b) credence

    Explanation: Credence means belief or acceptance, which describes the outcome the scientist desired.

    Question 5: The accelerating rate of technological innovation presents both _______ and _______ for society.

    1. conundrum/apathy
    2. opportunity/challenge
    3. ambiguity/paradox
    4. acrimony/dissonance
    5. audacity/prevarication

    Answer: (b) opportunity/challenge

    Explanation: Opportunity and challenge are opposites that best represent the two sides of technological innovation’s impact.

    GRE Practice Questions for Analytical Writing

    Question 1: Discuss the ethical implications of genetic engineering in humans.

    Sample Answer: Genetic engineering in humans poses profound ethical considerations. While it offers the potential to eradicate hereditary diseases and enhance human capabilities, it also raises concerns about the commodification of life, inequality in access to genetic enhancements, and unforeseen consequences fpr future generations. Ethical frameworks such as utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics provide lenses to evaluate these complexities. However, striking a balance between scientific advancement and moral responsibility remains a formidable challenge.

    Explanation: This answer provides a nuanced examination of the ethical issues surrounding genetic engineering. It shows an understanding of both its potential benefits and ethical dilemmas. It evaluates the topic from multiple perspectives and acknowledges the complexity of the issue.

    Question 2: Assess the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of employment.

    Sample Answer: The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) heralds a paradigm shift in the labour market, with implications for employment dynamics and societal structures. While AI promises increased efficiency and productivity, its widespread adoption threatens to automate various job sectors, leading to widespread unemployment and income inequality. However, proponents argue that AI will create new job opportunities and spur innovation in emerging industries. Balancing these conflicting narratives requires proactive policies such as retraining programmes, universal basic income, and ethical guidelines for AI deployment.

    Explanation: This response critically evaluates the potential consequences of AI on employment. It addresses both optimistic and pessimistic viewpoints. It highlights the need for proactive measures to mitigate adverse effects and proposes policy solutions to understand the challenges posed by AI.

    Question 3: Examine the role of government intervention in addressing climate change.

    Sample Answer: Climate change presents an existential threat that necessitates coordinated action at the governmental level. While market mechanisms such as carbon pricing and emissions trading offer economic incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, they alone may not suffice to curb climate change adequately. Government intervention through regulations, subsidies for renewable energy, and international agreements like the Paris Agreement are essential to enforcing emission targets and promoting sustainable practices. However, striking a balance between environmental protection and economic growth requires balancing political complexities and vested interests.

    Explanation: This answer provides a comprehensive analysis of the role of government intervention in combating climate change. It weighs the effectiveness of different approaches and acknowledges the challenges associated with policy implementation.

    Question 4: Evaluate the impact of globalisation on cultural diversity.

    Sample Answer: Globalisation has facilitated unprecedented interconnectedness and cultural exchange, leading to both enrichment and homogenization of cultural diversity. While increased interconnectedness fosters cross-cultural understanding and the diffusion of ideas, it also engenders cultural hegemony and the erosion of traditional identities. The commodification of culture in the global marketplace further exacerbates disparities between dominant and marginalised cultures. Therefore, preserving cultural diversity amid globalisation requires fostering cultural pluralism, promoting indigenous knowledge systems, and safeguarding cultural heritage.

    Explanation: This response critically examines the impact of globalisation on cultural diversity, acknowledging both its positive and negative consequences. It advocates for measures to preserve cultural diversity in the face of globalisation’s homogenising forces.

    Question 5: Discuss the ethical considerations of data privacy in the age of big data.

    Sample Answer: The proliferation of big data presents ethical challenges concerning privacy, autonomy, and surveillance. While big data analytics offer insights that drive innovation and improve services, they also raise concerns about data exploitation, discriminatory algorithms, and infringement of individual privacy rights. Ethical principles such as consent, transparency, and data anonymization are paramount in mitigating these risks and safeguarding individual autonomy. Additionally, regulatory frameworks such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provide guidelines for responsible data governance. However, achieving a balance between innovation and privacy protection requires ongoing dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders.

    Explanation: This answer examines the ethical implications of big data on privacy and autonomy. It highlights the tension between technological advancement and individual rights. It emphasises the importance of ethical principles and regulatory frameworks in addressing these concerns effectively.

    Suggested: GRE Sample Paper

    5 Tips to Make the Best Use of the GRE Practice Questions

    1. Mimic test-day conditions

    Set the stage for success by replicating the actual GRE testing environment. Find a quiet space, set a timer for each section (30 minutes for Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning, 30 minutes per essay for Analytical Writing), and only use the resources allowed on the real test (pen, paper, and an on-screen calculator for Quantitative Reasoning). This will help you get accustomed to the pressure and time constraints you’ll face on the actual exam.

    2. Analyse your performance thoroughly

    After each practice test, dedicate time to a deep analysis. Identify your strengths and weaknesses across different question types and sections. Look for patterns in your mistakes, such as: are there specific topics you struggle with consistently? Use this analysis to tailor your studying and focus on areas that need improvement.

    3. Focus on understanding, not just getting the right answer

    While getting the answer right is important, prioritise understanding the reasoning behind it. Review the explanations for both correct and incorrect answer choices. This will help you identify common pitfalls, solidify core concepts, and develop better problem-solving approaches.

    4. Space out your practice tests

    Don’t plan all your practice tests for a short period of time. Schedule them strategically throughout your prep journey. Take your first practice test after building a foundational understanding of the GRE content. As you progress, incorporate timed practice tests at regular intervals to track your improvement and identify areas that still require work.

    5. Supplement with targeted practice

    Complement your practice tests with focused practice on specific question types or topics you find challenging. Many resources offer question banks categorised by topic or difficulty level. Use these to get into areas that need extra attention and refine your skills before solving full practice tests again.

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    From the Desk of Yocket

    By incorporating GRE practice questions strategically into your study plan, you’ll gain the familiarity, diagnostic insights, strategic know-how, and confidence needed to perform at your peak on test day. They serve as a bridge between the theoretical knowledge you gain from studying and the real-world experience of the actual test. Practice tests provide an unmatched level of familiarity with the GRE pattern. The more you expose yourself to the structure, question types, and wording used on the GRE, the less surprised you’ll be on test day. This familiarity builds confidence and reduces test anxiety.

    GRE practice questions act as a diagnostic tool, revealing your strengths and weaknesses across the different GRE sections. By analysing your performance, you can pinpoint areas that require more attention. This allows you to tailor your studying to address specific weaknesses and maximise your score potential. Imagine acing the Verbal Reasoning section but struggling with Quantitative Reasoning. Practice tests will highlight this and allow you to dedicate more time to honing your quantitative skills. Additionally, yocket GRE prep provides the most up-to-date practice questions along with answers, enhancing your preparation for the GRE.

    Frequently Asked Questions about GRE Practice Questions

    What is the GRE Verbal Reasoning test?


    What kind of questions are there on the GRE Quantitative Reasoning?


    What does the GRE Analytical Writing assess?


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